Thursday, April 22, 2010

Have our seeds germinated?

There is alot to think about after receiving all nine rites of the Munay Ki. How can we tell if all this has taken hold? We've received a mentor (Healer's rite), Bands of Power, Archetypes (Harmony Rite), tools for seeing & projecting and sometimes a clarified life focus.

A SEED has germinated to the extent that you have a relationship with it. For example, the Harmony rites place an archetype in each of your seven chakras. You will be able to call up, visualize and communicate with each archetype. When the Bands of Power are well rooted, you will feel & know their exact placement and will be able to feel when they are strong or weak.

If you have no sense of a particular archetype, say Huascar for example, and you find it very difficult to bring his image to mind. Then that particular seed might not have germinated and may need to be replanted by repeating that rite.

When an archetype is strong, you can recall his image as easily as a loved one. Respect the messages you receive. These rites are working for us and advise us with love.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Teaching the Munay Ki

Now we step into the role of Teacher.

I prefer teaching in a group setting because when you're one on one it's more likely to become a healer rather than a Munay-Ki provider. Also, the community is intrinsic.
Set out an agenda for protégés to let them know what to expect of your program.

Be sensitive to the needs of your protégés. You don't want them to tell their story (that's usually our broken record where we get stuck), but you want to know when they're in trouble. Every story is a victim story. Their safety is your responsibility. Get past the 2012 disaster story. We are projecting ourselves and our proteges into who we want to be in the future, and that is always homoluminous.

You can either give and teach all the rites at one time or you could spread out your class over 6 weeks to 3 months. As people heal from foundation rites, be there for them as shifts happen. As we heal on the inside, changes show up on the outside. Allow for individual timing. Everybody processes things differently.

DO NOT give archetype rites without first giving the bands of power. The archetypes feed off the bands of power, that's why we need to constantly reinforce our bands.

Caution: We want to be gardeners not weeders, deal with the BIG problems but not all of it.

Don't do your spouse, close friends or children. This just sets you up for hard knox.


1. Sacred Space - live it or leave it. There is no room for just going through the motions.
2. Breath, for transmission
3. Fire to germinate the seeds. Munay-Ki fires are very quiet, personal and sacred to each individual.

Beyond = Everything that I do involves stepping beyond the ordinary, stepping beyond what I accept as ordinary or possible for myself.


1. Non-Violence
- bring harm to no-one including ourselves, no judgments
2. Truthfulness
- Be true to your word so people can rely on what we say.
3. Integrity
- walk your talk. Come from a place of knowing and experience.
4. Moderation
- know when to say no, these take a lot of energy
5. Generosity
- nothing belongs to you. Give more than you take.

The people who you teach the Munay-Ki are the people who we want to work with and walk with in 2012. We don’t want people who are low integrity. This is an honor. You can say no. You will instinctively know when to say yes or no.

Vow of Confidentiality: all information revealed within a class stays in the class.

Rite #9, Creator's Rite

Ninth Rite CREATOR RITE / Spirit Keepers Rite We take on the responsibility of time to come, of the stewardship of what's infinitely before us. For all life for all generations to come, for the well being of our galaxy and of the entire universe. Designed to awaken and to activate the God, the Buddha within us. The inner Divine. Christians describe this as the time of the second coming. We shaman's describe it at becoming homoluminous - as are angelic beings. This is a very subtle rite. It grows over time. When you take this rite, you have accepted stewardship of everything. steward = caretaker. We understand that God is masquerading as each of us. You really get it more so when you pass this rite on to others. This rite involves you gifting to the protégé whatever they need, God may come in different forms. With your intent bring down what that protégé needs. PROTOCOL 1. Open Wierracocca 2. Attune - have one hand on each shoulder to balance masculine and feminine. - vibrational level is different from 8th rite. - Attune to my God, my Sprit - this time bring the protégé to you (your God self) 3. Bring them to you -match breathing, match vibration 4. Place their pi stone on their crown chakra & blow through it. - informing the pineal and pituitary glands that new information is coming. 5. Move and Sit in front of client - ensure that you are attuned to how God appears to you. 6. With your intent ask that it be given in whatever form needed by the client, to the client. 7. Hold protégé’s pi stone in your left hand over your heart - heart is centre chakra 8. Put your right hand over your left and draw into your left & draw into it your version of God, or Spirit & put it into their second chakra. With your right hand go back to pi stone and take another handful of God and take to their 4th chakra Repeat to their 6th chakra. Once you've placed the god essence into their 6th chakra, put the pi stone (in your left hand) at the base of their skull. Draw their forehead to yours. Gift them everything that you know & everything that you are. Spirit will transmit itself. Gentle breath to release. 9. Place the pi stone into their hand, hold their hands a moment to let cook before breaking away. Cup their hands and blow the remaining energy of their attunement into their hands. 10 . Close wierracocha.

Rite #8, Starkeeper's Rite


Two fold:
1) Anchor us solidly in 2013
2) Building our Rainbow Body
- find the color and bring it back. Saturate the chakra in that color.

The star keepers rites builds us a home in 2013. WE ANCHOR OURSELF OUT IN 2013. The first step in looking after all life, is looking after our place here, for our children and our grand children. Our first responsibility is awakening universe.
Shaman goes to a place in the future. Takes that rainbow body and anchors it somewhere else.

We step into that light body, that luminous self anchored in 2013. Helps us step away from colluding with consensual reality & be unaffected by the fear mongering which impacts how we act and react. We don't want to get sucked into the drama of what's physically happening. This is not the end of everything. We can change it. It is worth trying. We want to be BEYOND the time of the great change.

Between now and then we hope to reach critical mass and achieve spontaneous transmission. Shifting perspective shifts power. Goal to influence those people who can make big changes. A problem cannot be solved at the level at which it was created. 2013 is the end of the tumultuous time.

Rainbow body is about creating your luminous self. Live differently, act differently. Our luminous body affects how we feel.

Even our lineages have done their job. I CAN choose to always be an Earth Keeper, because they touched me, but their jobs in my life are now done.

We always have a VISA - we can visit any lineage at anytime. Let them help me with a particular issue.


Our job is to go through the chakras, we go beyond the archetypes.
As you go to install the 8th rite, you go through the chakra, if there is an archetype there you try to go around the archetype. If it's prominent, send the person to fire to feed archetype and put it to sleep.

Access the star through the portal of the chakra to get the color and bring it back and anchor that color into the chakra.

Pi Stone - portal to step out of time (key to going through the portal) - step between ordinary and non-ordinary reality. You can do it with or without a pi stone.
Take myself, my energy, down through the crown chakra, Step through my heart, through the pi stone and into the client's chakra.

Many people go through this portal at death.


Use Their Pi Stone.
Keep your pi stone near or on you.
Spritz it with florida water to clean their pi stone.
1. Open sacred space
1.a. Open wierracoccha
2. Attune (cheek to cheek)
3. Place their pi stone on your heart.
4. Reach into your wierracoccha
- find your own self - to step out of time - you need to find your idea of time and shift it.
- Looking for the red color which envelops both of us - feel around for it, wait for it. You're setting the intention of red..
- Bring energy and color down through your heart.
5. Find protégé’s 1st chakra
-sense spirit. - dive through pool of chakra - may be different for everybody
- you will see a Star calling (matches your expectation) land on star. when you land it will be steeped in that color - you will become that color
-you have your protégé with you, slow down enough to keep them with you.
-bring back the color - you'll be leaving a trail of red through the universe
-come back and you'll see it saturated in red.
-once the pool of the chakra is full of red, find the red layer in their aura and fill it up with red. Let the color overflow the chakra.
6. Seal the chakra with your breath.

When you're finished, you've built a body of light out in the future.

When you give them their pi stone back, blow into their hands to blow in any residual colors.

Monday, March 8, 2010


The Munay-Ki evolved as an energetic methodology to harness the power of the Four Brains.

1. Reptilian Brain
• Brain of survival, procreation

2. Mammalian Brain / Limbic Brain
Four F’s: Fear
Harnessing the power of this Limbic Brain means becoming able to step beyond fear, beyond violence, beyond lack and experience abundance and intimacy.

3. Neocortex
• This is the brain of Einstein, Mozart, of mathematicians, of savants
• It is the philosophical brain
• Is awakened by the Wisdom Keepers Rite
• When this brain is awakened, it allows us to step beyond mind and into spirit.
• We step into universal ethics
• We taste infinity.

4. Forebrain / God Brain
• Pre-Frontal lobes of the forehead
• These lobes have not been active until recently, these hold the potential and capabilities of the God brain.
• This is the brain of homoluminous, of who we are becoming.
• Is awakened by the Earth keeper’s Rite
• When this brain is awakened it allows us to steep in communion with Spirit, to break free of time and to influence the events of the past, to nudge destiny.
• We may dwell and reside in infinity.

• The Munay-ki is the technology used by shamans to awaken the God brain.

We need little more that a brain the size of a gecko’s to thrive in this world, yet we have more than ever before. They believe that the size of the human brain has doubled in the last ten generations.

The munay-ki activates the capabilities of this neuro-computer, our brain.

The earth keepers of old understood that when they went through these rites, they were tapping into the vast and unlimited capabilities o f the brain.

Step into the fullness of our human nature, our God nature, our spirit nature and to participate consciously in the process of creation, in dreaming the world into being.

Rite #7, Earth Keeper Rite


The Earth Keeper’s rite is very special. Up until 2006, this was the highest rite available for a shaman to receive from another shaman.

This is the first step of going beyond our planet. We are accepting stewardship of the earth which means we are holding the Earth in the palm of our hand. It’s precious.

This rite connects you to a lineage of archangels who are guardians of our galaxy. These archangels are reputed to have human form and to be as tall as trees (LordofRings-Ents; Sylvia Brown). We come under the direct protection of these Archangels. We can summon their power whenever we need to bring healing and balance to any situation.

In the Earthkeeper’s Rite Masculine and Feminine are harmonized into one and are aspects of the whole. Located in the East on the Medicine Wheel.

• You step out of time and dream the world into being.

Important Role:
• To promote spiritual healing.
o About our connection or disconnection with God
• To learn the ways of the seer.
o This rite enhances your seer’s abilities.
o Responsibility for the way we see the world.


The process of giving this rite is the same as the other rites.

It is conducted at a higher vibration. It’s wonderful to give.

To hook onto this lineage is a little different than the previous 6:
To start with: Centre yourself. Quiet yourself. Breathe.
You take yourself out to the nearest star, the Sun. From the sun, look back and view the earth as your child.

Imagine that you're standing in a line of archangels, and angels and people and entities all lined up looking at Earth. All of these beings, yourself included, are taking care of Earth. You are connected to these guides, these archangels. You are part of this lineage.

Feeling: Protective. Parental pride. Mixed emotions of having to be at arms length, yet also wanting to protect and to nurture. It's like letting a child do something on their own for the first time.

Let those feelings build.

Put that feeling into the protégé’s 2, 4 & 6th chakras.

• Integrity
• The archangels who look after this planet
• You have to give everything that you have freely without reservation.

The transmitting part is when I touch my forehead to yours. I’m running through this list and giving everything that I will ever have and will ever be.

This is the first of the rites which opens the door to the Tatanchi rites 8 & 9. You have accepted stewardship of the earth. You Are INTEGRITY. This is the first true step in becoming homoluminous.

Rite #6, Wisdom Keeper's Rite

The Wisdom Keepers rite heals and balances our masculine energy with the feminine energy of the Day Keepers Rite. We must decide WHO we are and stand up for that. The Wisdom Keepers of the world ask you to care enough to take a stand, as lovingly as possible.

Associated with the Great Mountains of the earth. Within these mountains is retained all the wisdom and knowledge of the earth. The Masculine energy is what retains all of that knowledge and wisdom.

The Wisdom Keepers Rite is the seat of SOUL healing. We are still in the garden, we are still whole regardless of the life experience we've chosen. Healing those parts of our soul which have been damaged and disentangled occurs by remembering that we are all Spirit, all teaspoons of God. Here we learn the difference between information and knowledge. The difference between data and knowing what to do with it.

This is where we step into that gut knowing. We Don’t need affirmation or reference. The Shaman is Self referencing.

The feeling of the Wisdom Keepers is strong, solid, powerful & slightly aloof. They don't rush to us, you must choose to go there. If you want what their wisdom, you must go to them, ask them & they'll share it. It's like sitting at the feet of our Grandmothers and Grandfathers.

We join the Ancients who step out of time. We go into Circular time. Used for distance work. Wisdom keepers confer on us the privilege of stepping out of time.

• To protect and to share the medicine teachings of the ages.

Important Role:
• To help heal former lifetimes.

The steps to transmit the Wisdom Keeper's rites to another are:
1. Open sacred space - ecosphere.
2. Seat protégé
3. Open Wierracocha
4. Standing behind your protege, place your hands on their shoulders - both hands to be in balance.
5. Attune / merge with protégé. You're attuned when you can no longer differentiate where you stop from where they begin, you're truly one, your hearts beat in rhythm, your breathing is synchronized.
6. Focus on and connect to your Wisdom Keeper. This may be an image, a place (Stonehenge, Machu Piccu, Huamanlipa, a mountain). For me it's the elders, the Grandmothers and Grandfathers who come to me from the north, I see them sitting in council behind me. They guide me in how to and when to share the medicine teachings. They are infinite beings since they have stepped out of time to help me today.
7. Hold their Pi stone in your left hand on their 7th chakra & gently blow through the hole in the Pi Stone. Again, we're waking up the Pineal & pituitary glands to say "New information coming". Your mind, your thoughts and your heart must be full of light.
9. Never break contact as you move around to sit in front of your protege.
10. Again we transmit to the 2nd, 4th and 6th chakras.
11. Start by holding the protege's pi stone at your heart and project your picture or feeling of your Wisdom keepers from your heart, into & through the pi stone and draw it to their 2nd chakra. Again fill the pi stone with your image of the Wisdom Keepers then draw it to their 4th chakra and feel the energy of the Wisdom Keeper’s Rites go into their 4th. Repeat with 6th. Keep pi stone in your left hand over your heart and draw with your right.
12. Take pi stone to base of their skull
13. Touch foreheads & let Rites & image go into their Third Eye. It's a feeling of giving the picture in your head to them. You don't have to push, it will go. If not, ask your Wisdom Keeper to share itself with your protege.
14. Place the pi stone back into their hand.
15. For a moment, hold your hands around your protege's hands which now hold their pi stone. Feel the energy grow and enjoy this moment sharing energy. This is a very special moment and a terrific feeling to share.

Remember Wisdom keepers walk their talk. BE the truth. Embody it. Be shamanism rather than just liking shamanism or doing shamanism. Am I willing to give up and step into my truth. Live it.

Rite #5, Daykeeper's Rite


The DayKeepers are the masters of the ancient stone altars, from Machu Picchu to Stone Henge. The Day keeper is able to call on the power of these ancient altars to heal and to bring balance to the world.

They are Mother Earth. The Feminine. Life Giving. Nurturing. Day Keepers are generally women, the midwives and herbalists of the world. The Day Keepers are about emotional healing.

According to lore, the Daykeepers drummed the Sun to rise each morning and to set each evening. This requires being present, in the now. They ensure that humans are in harmony with mother earth. The rhythms and cycles of life and death.

On a medicine wheel, Daykeepers are located in the West.
Learn impeccability.

• Gentle
• Soothing
• Healing

• To help us step beyond fear into a place of peace.
• To ensure that people stay in harmony with Mother Earth. Re-connect with the indigenous traditions.

Important Role:
• To help heal scarcity & issues related to Lack.

Day keepers help us understand that abundance is about how full we are, not how much we have. The real measure of abundance is how rich your heart is.
Scarcity is a perception that we created.

Each of us envisions the Day Keepers differently. Such as: Divas in charge of Maccu Piccu, Stone Henge, etc.

These Rites are about returning to the garden, walking again in the Garden of Eden. Healing our inner feminine is about reconnecting with mother earth - she has every element of the feminine. It re-establishes that umbilical cord from us to our Mother Earth.

The process of passing on the Day Keepers Rites:

Attune to the lineage which you're going to transmit. Places: power sources. Drop in, find How do I relate to those power spots, what do these Day Keepers appear to me & how do they feel? Think of planting seasons, harvesting seasons, abundance of the earth, Stone Henge, Maccu Piccu, Nose Hill Park.

Clear your mind
1. Open sacred space -ecosphere.
2. Seat protégé
3. Open Wierracocha
4. Place your hands on their shoulders - both hands to be in balance.
5. Attune / merge with protégé
6. Drop into Day Keepers - focus
7. Stand behind them.
7. Hold their Pi stone in your left hand on their 7th chakra & gently blow through the hole in the Pi Stone. This wakes up the Pineal & pituitary glands to say "New information coming".
(This is why clear focus is soooo important). Pure.
9. Never break contact as you move around them and sit in front of them.
10. You inform: 2nd, 4th and 6th chakra.
11. Hold the picture of Day keepers in your heart and take to their 2nd chakra, Then take pi stone back to your heart and then take it to their 4th chakra and feel the energy of the Day Keeper’s Rites go into their 4th.
Repeat with 6th. Keep pi stone and left hand over your heart and draw with your right.
12. Take pi stone to base of their skull
13 Touch foreheads & let Rites & image go into them
14 Place the pi stone in their hand.

When giving the rites you give three things:
1. Lineage
2. Everything you know
3. Everything that you are

If something doesn't take, that's a warning sign that something isn't right.

Rite #4, Seers Rites

Seers are able to perceive the imperceptible world (the invisible world). We strive to see with both the heart & the mind. This rite ties together the third eye (6th chakra) and the heart (4th chakra), linking them to our visual cortex located just below the occipital protuberance.

From the visual cortex, that bump at the back of your head, there will be five glowing silver threads embedded in the top of your head stretching to the third eye. Then from your visual cortex are two more threads going down to your heart chakra. Together these allow you to see with an equal balance of heart and mind, love and intellect.

1. Open Sacred Space
2. Open Wierraccocha
3. Attune to your Protégé
4. Pi Stone – place on protégé’s third eye to signal to their third eye that new information is coming.
5. With the Pi Stone on its edge, trace five silver threads of light from the third eye to the visual cortex. You can use your five fingers as a guide for placement of the five threads. Start with your middle finger on the sagittal suture. We are actually embedding a pathway of light.
A. Draw the first silver thread from the third eye over the top of the head to the occipital protuberance.
B. Draw the second silver thread from the third eye along the right side of the head to the occipital protuberance.
C. Draw the third silver thread from the third eye along the left side of the head to the occipital protuberance.
D. Draw the forth silver thread from the third eye along the right side of the head, just over the ear to the occipital protuberance.
E. Draw the fifth silver thread from the third eye along the left side of the head, just over the ear to the occipital protuberance.
6. With the Pi Stone on edge, trace a silver thread from the occipital protuberance / visual cortex to the heart along the right side.
Then trace a silver thread from the visual cortex to the heart along the left side.
There will be a total of seven silver threads grooved in the head and chest.
7. Hold the Pi Stone directly on the occipital protuberance with your thumb. Place your free right hand on the forehead of the protégé. Place your forehead to the back of their head.
8. Hook up to the lineage of the seers.
9. Transmit the seers rights with a little breath to the visual cortex. This activates the sixth chakra.
10. Repeat with your right hand on their heart to activate their forth chakra. In transmitting the rites we are asking our gift to move from us to our protégé.
11. Close Wierraccocha.
12. Send the protégé to the fire to feed chakras 4 & 6.

The seers rights move us from being a seer to being a witness. To be able to affect change in the world because we are not affected by it.

MINIMUM WEEKLY FIRES to nurture and establish your seeds & FEED EVERYBODY - chakras, archetypes, etc.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Rite #3, Harmony Rites

Third is the Harmony rites, formerly known as 'Archetype Rites' in which you receive seven archetypes into your chakras. This rite gifts you with the lessons and strengths of each Archetype.

Into your first chakra, you receive the archetype of serpent who comes from the South and who teaches us to shed the past the way the serpent sheds her skin.

Into your second chakra goes Jaguar, the mighty cat from the West who teaches us to walk with courage knowing that she is the Queen of the jungle.

In the third chakra rests Hummingbird who flies the impossible journey from the North on the winds of the Grandmothers and Grandfathers.

The fourth chakra is the home of eagle who flies high above and teaches us to see the big picture.

Then, three “archangels” go into your upper three chakras.
In the fifth chakra is Huascar, the Inka keeper of the lower world and the unconscious.

Into the sixth chakra goes Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent God of the Americas, and keeper of the middle world (our waking world).

In the seventh chakra comes Pachakuti, the Inka sun god, the protector of the upper world (our super-conscious) and keeper of the time to come. Legend has it that Pachakuti built Macchu Pichu and that he will return to reclaim his throne in 2012.

These archetypes are transmitted into your chakras as seeds. These seeds germinate with fire, and you have to perform a number of fire meditations to awaken them and help them grow. Once rooted, they help combust the psychic sludge that has built up in your chakras, so that your chakras can shine with their original light as you acquire a rainbow body.

The essence of the Harmony Rites is "Ayni Karpi" which means Harmony & Balance.

1. Open Sacred Space
2. Open Wierraccocha
3. Attune to your Protégé
4. Transmit the rite. Hold the Pi Stone in your left hand, over your heart. Focus on Love, the meaning of Munai. The archetypes are transmitted with unconditional love.

 With your Right hand over your first chakra. Bring up and envision the Serpent. With your Right Hand, draw the energy of serpent from your first chakra, and hold it over their first chakra until you feel the serpent leave your right hand and go into their chakra.
 With your Right hand over your second chakra, bring up Jaguar. Transmit the energy of Jaguar to their second chakra. Wait until you actually feel the Jaguar jump into their chakra.
 Repeat with Hummingbird at third chakra.
 Repeat with Eagle and Condor at fourth chakra
 Repeat with Huascar (time past) at fifth chakra.
 Repeat with Quetzlcoatl at sixth chakra.
 Repeat with Pachakuti at seventh chakra.

To let the archetypes settle, cover the client’s hands, while holding the Pi Stone in your Left hand, to give them a moment’s pause to absorb. Then send the client to the fire to feed each of the Archetypes.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Pi Stones

Pi Stones are round stones with a hole in middle. The Pi Stones represent a mini mesa (the shaman's kit), a mini shaman. It can act as a portal to both travel to a different place and to bring forward healing gifts from another place in time.

Rite #2, Healers Rites

The second rite is the Healers rite, which connects you to a lineage of Earthkeepers from the past that come and assist you in your personal healing. The Laika know that we have tremendous spiritual assistance available to us. These luminous beings work on us during our meditation and sleep time to heal the wounds of the past and of our ancestors.

In receiving the Healers rite, the healer which comes to you will be your personal mentor. Know that they are with you in your experiences. Most of us will have different healers choose to be with them on this journey, from Mother Theresa to Jesus, to Buddha.

Our Healers Lineage
- The lineage itself will fill in the blanks
- This is our foundation in the Munay-ki
- It’s job is to awaken the ability to heal yourself and others
- In healing ourselves we already begin to heal others
- Lineage is here to help us with our personal healing
- The first four deal with the dense energy of the physical
- The guardians of the other lineages
- Things, including the rites, fall away as you do your work and move onto the other rites and no longer need them.
- Mythic mapping – spend some time in meditation with that icon, that healer who came to you.

Giving the Healers Rite

1. Open Sacred Space
2. Open Wierraccocha
3. Attune to your Protégé. Match the breathing, heart rate, as if you melt together. It’s the shaman’s job to attune to the protégé (not the other way around).
4. Connect to your (the shaman’s) healer. Hook up or connect to the healing lineage, ie: any example of a wound healing. Become one with that lineage, with that healer.
5. Place the Pi Stone in your Left Hand & hold it over your heart.
6. With your Right hand, take/draw energy from your second chakra to the protégé’s second chakra. Gift the power of MANIFESTATION. Total Work Power so that this healing will work.
7. With your Right hand, take/draw energy from your heart chakra to the protégé’s heart chakra. Gifting them Total LOVE Power.
8. With your Right hand, take/draw energy from your sixth chakra, third eye, to the protégé’s sixth chakra, Gifting them Total MIND Power, the Power of VISION. Some shamen touch their forehead to their protege's forehead.
9. Cup the protégé’s hands and blow into them to awaken the healing power in the protégé’s hands.
10. Run your right hand down the right side of their body and bring your Left hand with the Pi stone around their hands to let cook for a moment. Place the Pi Stone in their hands.
11. Close Wierraccocha.
12. Send the protégé to the fire to feed chakras 2, 4 & 6.

This time you are giving your energy because you are the universal energy. When we give a rite, we are sharing our own rite.

Rite #1, Band of Power

Please see December 2007 entry on how to give the Bands of Power

Gifting the Munay Ki

“I love you. Be thou as thou art.”

The gift of the MUNAY-KI is the actual manifestation of the prophesies of 2012. We create ourselves as Light Beings, HOMOLUMINOUS, today. We may dream a future of grace, love, peace and humanitarianism into being right now.

Previously, the 8th and 9th rites were only given by Spirit (luminous) to special shamen. Now we’ve been permitted to transmit these rites directly from Man to Man. We can move forward into becoming Day keepers, Earth Keepers, Wisdom Keepers, Star Keepers, and Light Keepers. It is the balance of masculine and feminine on Earth.

The First Four Rites are the FOUNDATION RITES. These are about our physical healing. They clean out our Luminous Energy Field (LEF) including our chakras.

The rites of the Munay-ki are given at the energetic level. Before now most rites are given symbolically. Until now, we didn’t have Spirit’s permission or the right to give rites at the energetic level. The Munay-ki speeds up evolution. We are shifting from scarcity to grace and we have our ancient lineage of healers behind us, helping us.

The Munay-ki is gifted with the heart. Repeatedly giving of these rites will strengthen the rites within yourself. These give benefit to anyone and everyone.

The general procedure to gift each rite separately is:
1st. Open Sacred Space
2nd. Attune to the client's vibration
3rd. Transmit the rite.


There are two parted to sacred space. The Ecosphere is the large area in which you're working such as a room or building or specific area of land.

Please refer to the blog posting of December 2007 for step by step guide to opening sacred space and welcoming in the earth energies.

In opening sacred space, you’re acknowledging and recognizing the forces of creation. You are greeting the fundamental principles of creation: Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong Nuclear Force, Weak Nuclear Force

Everything on earth has four base pairs of DNA. DNA is the hardware, the blueprint of our bodies. In opening sacred space we’re saying that we are one with the four elements and one with the four base pairs and one will all creation. We are no different.


The Noahsphere is the smaller sacred space specifically around you or you and your partner.

It started with the Wierraccocha which some call the eigth chakra which is a ball of God energy above our heads (6-18"). It's the direct connection to Spirit.

Once you feel the Wierraccocha, reach into it and pull it down around you as if you're building a forcefield of light around you. Pull your protection over everyone you work with, like a double wall of our aura. The LEF, electromagnetic field, around us extends into the earth 12 – 16” and ties us to the earth. We pull down our Wierraccocha because it allow a shaman to step out of time.

2. Attune

To prepare to transmit the rite, attune to your partner's energy. You can be sitting or standing, in front or behind. Start by placing your hands on their shoulders. In attuning, your goal is to become 'one' with your client, feel their breathing and match it; feel their heart beat and match it. Allow your energy to blend with theirs. When you can no longer tell where you end and where they being, you are attuned.

3. Transmit the rite.

Tune into the particular rite you're wishing to transmit, focus on it. Ask the rite to be transmitted. Then get out of the way and simply allow the rite to pass from you to your client effortlessly. Let your ego rest, let doubts fade and trust that it's happening exactly as it should.


Send your protege to the Fire to germinate the seeds. Fire feeds the seeds so someone with new rites should do fires weekly to feed their rites. If you've never done this, you just focus on your rite, archetype, chakra, etc and then scoop the energy above the flame and draw it to you. Imagine it warming and nurturing you and the seeds, etc.

Reminder Acronym: S.A.T.
S = Sacred Space is openned. Open Wierraccocha
A = Attuning to client’s vibration. Move to that common ground. Match their breathing, heart rate, etc.
T = Transmit. Get out of the way and the lineage will basically transmit itself.

Some people to whom you give the seeds of these rites will not germinate the seeds. In that case, the seed will dissolve and feed their luminous body. There is no harm

Precaution: Don’t go unless you’re invited. Persons must ask you for your help or gifts. Otherwise it’s sorcery.