Monday, February 22, 2010

Rite #3, Harmony Rites

Third is the Harmony rites, formerly known as 'Archetype Rites' in which you receive seven archetypes into your chakras. This rite gifts you with the lessons and strengths of each Archetype.

Into your first chakra, you receive the archetype of serpent who comes from the South and who teaches us to shed the past the way the serpent sheds her skin.

Into your second chakra goes Jaguar, the mighty cat from the West who teaches us to walk with courage knowing that she is the Queen of the jungle.

In the third chakra rests Hummingbird who flies the impossible journey from the North on the winds of the Grandmothers and Grandfathers.

The fourth chakra is the home of eagle who flies high above and teaches us to see the big picture.

Then, three “archangels” go into your upper three chakras.
In the fifth chakra is Huascar, the Inka keeper of the lower world and the unconscious.

Into the sixth chakra goes Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent God of the Americas, and keeper of the middle world (our waking world).

In the seventh chakra comes Pachakuti, the Inka sun god, the protector of the upper world (our super-conscious) and keeper of the time to come. Legend has it that Pachakuti built Macchu Pichu and that he will return to reclaim his throne in 2012.

These archetypes are transmitted into your chakras as seeds. These seeds germinate with fire, and you have to perform a number of fire meditations to awaken them and help them grow. Once rooted, they help combust the psychic sludge that has built up in your chakras, so that your chakras can shine with their original light as you acquire a rainbow body.

The essence of the Harmony Rites is "Ayni Karpi" which means Harmony & Balance.

1. Open Sacred Space
2. Open Wierraccocha
3. Attune to your Protégé
4. Transmit the rite. Hold the Pi Stone in your left hand, over your heart. Focus on Love, the meaning of Munai. The archetypes are transmitted with unconditional love.

 With your Right hand over your first chakra. Bring up and envision the Serpent. With your Right Hand, draw the energy of serpent from your first chakra, and hold it over their first chakra until you feel the serpent leave your right hand and go into their chakra.
 With your Right hand over your second chakra, bring up Jaguar. Transmit the energy of Jaguar to their second chakra. Wait until you actually feel the Jaguar jump into their chakra.
 Repeat with Hummingbird at third chakra.
 Repeat with Eagle and Condor at fourth chakra
 Repeat with Huascar (time past) at fifth chakra.
 Repeat with Quetzlcoatl at sixth chakra.
 Repeat with Pachakuti at seventh chakra.

To let the archetypes settle, cover the client’s hands, while holding the Pi Stone in your Left hand, to give them a moment’s pause to absorb. Then send the client to the fire to feed each of the Archetypes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, who's assignment of archetypes to chakras is this? As Quetzalcoatl is not Peruvian this sounds like Alberto Villoldo. There are some concerns as he has mixed in many non-pervuian themes like the medicine wheel into his teachings.

Also, who's 'legend' is it that Pachacuti built Machu Picchu and that this person returns in 2012?

I've been to MP a couple of times. My impression is that the Intiwatana is many thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of years old or even much older. The Spanish and the archeologists imaginations around the origin and age of MP are fiction at best.