Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Teaching the Munay Ki

Now we step into the role of Teacher.

I prefer teaching in a group setting because when you're one on one it's more likely to become a healer rather than a Munay-Ki provider. Also, the community is intrinsic.
Set out an agenda for protégés to let them know what to expect of your program.

Be sensitive to the needs of your protégés. You don't want them to tell their story (that's usually our broken record where we get stuck), but you want to know when they're in trouble. Every story is a victim story. Their safety is your responsibility. Get past the 2012 disaster story. We are projecting ourselves and our proteges into who we want to be in the future, and that is always homoluminous.

You can either give and teach all the rites at one time or you could spread out your class over 6 weeks to 3 months. As people heal from foundation rites, be there for them as shifts happen. As we heal on the inside, changes show up on the outside. Allow for individual timing. Everybody processes things differently.

DO NOT give archetype rites without first giving the bands of power. The archetypes feed off the bands of power, that's why we need to constantly reinforce our bands.

Caution: We want to be gardeners not weeders, deal with the BIG problems but not all of it.

Don't do your spouse, close friends or children. This just sets you up for hard knox.


1. Sacred Space - live it or leave it. There is no room for just going through the motions.
2. Breath, for transmission
3. Fire to germinate the seeds. Munay-Ki fires are very quiet, personal and sacred to each individual.

Beyond = Everything that I do involves stepping beyond the ordinary, stepping beyond what I accept as ordinary or possible for myself.


1. Non-Violence
- bring harm to no-one including ourselves, no judgments
2. Truthfulness
- Be true to your word so people can rely on what we say.
3. Integrity
- walk your talk. Come from a place of knowing and experience.
4. Moderation
- know when to say no, these take a lot of energy
5. Generosity
- nothing belongs to you. Give more than you take.

The people who you teach the Munay-Ki are the people who we want to work with and walk with in 2012. We don’t want people who are low integrity. This is an honor. You can say no. You will instinctively know when to say yes or no.

Vow of Confidentiality: all information revealed within a class stays in the class.


Siberian Ceremony Dancer said...

Hi, I am just thinking about accepting only those that we believe will live this way, but, what about those that have the potential but are on the wrong path? Is it possible that the Munay-Ki can heal the person to have integrity?

jack pickett said...

I have been training in these Rites having them done is a incredible experience, I highly recommend this experience for many people, the things that can come from them are truly unique