Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rite #9, Creator's Rite

Ninth Rite CREATOR RITE / Spirit Keepers Rite We take on the responsibility of time to come, of the stewardship of what's infinitely before us. For all life for all generations to come, for the well being of our galaxy and of the entire universe. Designed to awaken and to activate the God, the Buddha within us. The inner Divine. Christians describe this as the time of the second coming. We shaman's describe it at becoming homoluminous - as are angelic beings. This is a very subtle rite. It grows over time. When you take this rite, you have accepted stewardship of everything. steward = caretaker. We understand that God is masquerading as each of us. You really get it more so when you pass this rite on to others. This rite involves you gifting to the protégé whatever they need, God may come in different forms. With your intent bring down what that protégé needs. PROTOCOL 1. Open Wierracocca 2. Attune - have one hand on each shoulder to balance masculine and feminine. - vibrational level is different from 8th rite. - Attune to my God, my Sprit - this time bring the protégé to you (your God self) 3. Bring them to you -match breathing, match vibration 4. Place their pi stone on their crown chakra & blow through it. - informing the pineal and pituitary glands that new information is coming. 5. Move and Sit in front of client - ensure that you are attuned to how God appears to you. 6. With your intent ask that it be given in whatever form needed by the client, to the client. 7. Hold protégé’s pi stone in your left hand over your heart - heart is centre chakra 8. Put your right hand over your left and draw into your left & draw into it your version of God, or Spirit & put it into their second chakra. With your right hand go back to pi stone and take another handful of God and take to their 4th chakra Repeat to their 6th chakra. Once you've placed the god essence into their 6th chakra, put the pi stone (in your left hand) at the base of their skull. Draw their forehead to yours. Gift them everything that you know & everything that you are. Spirit will transmit itself. Gentle breath to release. 9. Place the pi stone into their hand, hold their hands a moment to let cook before breaking away. Cup their hands and blow the remaining energy of their attunement into their hands. 10 . Close wierracocha.

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