Wednesday, February 20, 2008


When laying the Inca fire, the wood is laid out in the form of the Southern Cross. Once the fire is laid, open Sacred Space and light the fire. As soon as the fire is lit, the fire master will initiate the fire chant everyone present sings the fire chant through the entire ceremony.

The Fire Chant deepens the relationship with the fire and helps us be in harmony and balance with the community.

The fire master will make offerings of olive oil and sweet oil to the fire three times. When the fire becomes friendly (and our vibrations match that of the fire), the fire master will approach the fire and place their fire arrow into the flames. Once they have placed their fire arrow into the fire, they will then pass their hands through the smoke and draw energy from the fire three times, first to their belly, then to their heart and then to their forehead.

Once the fire master is finished, they will signal that people present may come up. Ensure that no more than four people are at the fire at one time. Participants offer their fire arrow to the fire, then draw energy three times to themselves.

While a person is at the fire, someone will stand behind them and guard them from intrusive energies which often choose this as a vulnerable time to attach themselves. Wear darker clothing to be invisible to the dark energies.

Always move clockwise around the fire because moving counter-clockwise will unwind the energy.

Once everyone has made their offering, the youngest or the oldest person will then place the pachamama stick into the fire. The pachamama stick represents Mother Earth. Throughout the ceremony it is handed around the circle. Into the pachamama stick, you blow your prayers for Mother Earth, what you want to do for her or what you wish for her.

The fire master will then close the fire and the chanting will cease.

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