Sunday, December 30, 2007

Inca Fire Protocol

The Inca Fire can be used at anytime to honor the gifts you’ve been given. It is most commonly done at every full moon, and at the solstices to honor and thank the Great Spirit.

Fire Protocol:

  • The fire is laid out in the form of the Southern Cross.
  • Have a “fire arrow” ready - you will have blown an issue you want to get rid of into a small stick
  • Have a Pachamama stick ready - You will have blown your prayers for Mother Earth into a larger stick as your offering of reciprocity
  • Chant the Inca Fire Chant continuously from the lighting of the fire to when the fire burns out.
  • No speaking
  • The fire must burn out by itself & must not be put out
  • Always walk clock-wise around the fire.
  1. Open sacred space.
  2. Light your fire.
  3. Begin your chant.
  4. Offer olive oil (sweet oil) to the fire three times (in reciprocity)
  5. When fire becomes “friendly” approach fire and offer your fire arrow.
  6. At the fire, bless yourself with the flames and draw the energy from the fire three times to yourself – belly / heart / 3rd eye.
  7. Continue to chant while observing the “life” of your fire.
  8. Just before closing, offer your Pachamama Stick to honor Mother Earth
  9. Close your fire – cease chanting.
  10. Close directions.

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