Saturday, December 29, 2007

Body Awareness Meditation

Meditation may seem like a mysterious and difficult practice but it really is neither. Meditation can be as simple as quieting the mind to as mystical as seeking enlightenment or even as productive as seeking the answer to a question.

There are many types of meditation from emptying the mind to journeying so there is no ‘wrong’ way. Sometimes there is so much in your head that it seems impossible to clear the mind of all thought. In those times, I like to distract my mind by focusing on one particular thing.

A nice meditation is Body Awareness Meditation. To practice:
Sit or lie comfortably. Start to focus on any part of your body which draws your attention first. You are practicing non-judgemental awareness. This means everything on your body is just fine, neither good nor bad, you are just noticing it.

Let your focus pull towards your spine, can you sense the muscle, the skin? Let your focus drift upwards to the base of your scalp, into your hair and around your head. Can you feel the hairs on your scalp? Gradually allow your focus to travel over every part of your body, including your tummy and your groin areas, down your legs and arms. Imagine feeling your skin as if you’re running a feather along your body. You may even feel the tickle of energy moving across your skin. Remember: Energy follows thought.

This exercise is a connection to your physical reality, it brings us firmly into the present moment and wonderfully rests the mind. You can allow your focus to include the room around you, what’s in the room? What are you sitting on, how does your bum feel on it? Are there any sounds in the room? Outside of the room? You are not trying to block anything out, you are being aware of it. Nothing is positive or negative, it just is. If you notice any emotions, acknowledge them. Emotions are part of your physical reality as well. Blocking anything will only make it seem bigger. So just acknowledge that it’s there and continue on sensing your body. Whenever you feel complete, take a breath, hug your awesome body and have a great day.

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