Saturday, June 20, 2015

Tree of Life Meditation

This is a guided meditation to be either recorded or you can simply read it and visualize it during your meditation.

Sit in a comfortable position either on the ground or in a chair with both feet on the floor. Straighten your back.

Bring your attention to your breath. Pay attention to how your body moves as you breathe, start to connect to what you feel. As you inhale, feel your diaphragm expand down and outward. As you exhale, feel your diaphragm rise up under your ribs.  Feel your ribs expand and contract with every breath.

Rejoice in your physical body, feel your heart beat and visualize all the activity and electricity in this physical body. We are divine. This vessel is a miracle of creation.

To deepen our meditation, imagine you step backwards into that space between the worlds. As if you're stepping into a hole in the wall. We step off the wheel and we watch the world turning.

Supported from behind by the other world, the non conscious realm is supporting our back. Our chest lifts to the sun.

As the Sun fills our chest, we begin to transform into a tree. We stand tall and solid upon the earth. Reaching our limbs to the sky.

As the seed of heaven and earth our earthly energy rises up our trunk, our sky energy flows down our branches. This great oneness merges in our bodies mingling and balancing.

From behind us, energy from the other side flits across our leaves like birds.

Or leaves and our roots are like conductors allowing energy to move back and forth between the worlds, up and down between heaven and earth.

The balanced God energy flowing down our trunk spreads or across the earth. We visualize the planet lighting up with divine energy. Glowing. Balanced.

We are all perfection. All one. All Spirit.

Visualize the glow spreading deep into the earth and high into the atmosphere.

Feel the joy. Feel your heart swell. Feel yourself thrive. Feel the pride and strength of yourself as the tree.


When you're ready to close your meditation, leave the balanced heaven and earth energy glowing across the globe. Begin to withdraw your personal energy back into your physical bring, within your aura.

Feel the strength and power of your energy body.

Knowing you are of the world and yet separate from it, you are at peace. You spread energy with every step. You ease the world by being here.

You are amazing. Perfect.

Gradually seal your aura
Bring your energy back into the here and now.

Step back into the world.


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