Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Musings on Quetzalcoatl

For some reason I've never felt a strong bond with Quetzalcoatl. I always know he's around but I've had the strongest bond with Huascar, gate keeper to the underworld. Although I think of Quetzalcoatl briefly as I go through my daily chakra ritual reinforcing my archetypes, we haven't ever worked together.

Today this changed. He brought his lessons to the forefront. The timing is perfectly appropriate since the lessons align with my new moon intention to 'Cherish today & be unattached to tomorrow' which started 3 days ago with April's new moon. I started with this intention to practice the Buddhist philosophy of Deattachment. It seems easy if you have nothing you're afraid of loosing, but it's much more challenging to me when I choose to have things and people in my life who I cherish, who I can't imagine a future without. Hence, my intention to 'Cherish today, regardless of tomorrow' may seem childishly obvious but it's a major life challenge & lesson for me. It's great and is bringing me incredible joy, but it's still challenges me to be out of my comfort zone.

Quetzalcoatl has added his energy to my intention today. During my run when I reached the part of my invocation at my 6th chakra, Quetzalcoatl distracted me into my body to focus on balance, using the right leg equally as the left, thinking about how my body was moving, how my feet hit the ground, is my right side balanced with my left? Focusing on the body is a wonderful way to be present. My cells feel alive, I feel saturated with spiritual energy, I focus on accepting Earth energy and Sky energy and those being balanced and pulsing and working together in my body. Yes, it was a good run!

We've agreed to extend this balance into my heart, my emotions, how I project and accept the interactions of life & work & relationships. This is what I'm working on today and through this moon's first quarter. Can you tell I'm excited? I'm so grateful, I feel so safe and cared for by Spirit and so excited about the future. Regardless of what tomorrow brings, I feel the past, the present and the future embodied in me right now, bringing Huascar, Quetzalcoatl and Pachacuti together into one tremendous life energy. These moments make me believe in living the impossible journey and crossing the rainbow bridge. Thank you Quetzalcoatl and all my incredible archetypes and spirit guides. I do this work to bring you to life as much as you bring me to life.



Emily Cole said...

I've often felt like Quetzalcoatl was my least known archetype also. So interesting how you came to work together, great blog post.

Siberian Ceremony Dancer said...

I have this too, infact he is usually out fishing when I visit. Why is he so illusive?