Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bands of Power

  1. The Bands of Power is a protection mechanism built into the Luminous Energy Field (LEF). They break up and deflects negative energy. Keeps you solid and centred in yourself. It gives you the opportunity to step back and say “Isn’t that interesting” instead of reacting.
  1. The Bands of Power feed your archetypes. Therefore you must have the bands before receiving the archetypes, otherwise the archetypes will eat the protégé’s energy.

1. Open Sacred Space

2. Open Wierraccocha

3. Attune to your Protégé. Feel their energy fields.

4. Start with your Pi Stone at their Crown Chakra.

Visualize and tie into the protégé’s rainbow fountain. Catch where it erupts from the seventh chakra.

Out of this rainbow, extract the Gold and Silver, and pull them down the back of the head and anchor with your intent to C7.

Continue to draw the Gold and Silver bands parallel down the spine to the Sacrum and anchor it with your intent.

Continue to draw the Gold and Silver bands between the legs and anchor or hook them into the second chakra, just below the navel.

At the second chakra, start the Black Band. Bring it around the body from front to back, locking into the spinal cord & tying into the Gold & Silver bands.

As you install the band, SEE it, Visualize the big, thick, healthy black band covering their entire second chakra area.

From the second chakra, draw the Gold and Silver bands up the front to the pit of the stomach and install the Red Band.

As you install the Red Band, Water, Think about it, visualize it as you install it.

From the pit of the stomach, draw the Gold and Silver bands up the front to the heart chakra.

Install the Gold Band of Power – Fire

Draw up to the throat. Install the Silver Band of Power – Air.

Draw up to the third eye, install the White Band of Power – Spirit.

Continue up to the crown, pause and allow it to anchor. Drawing up the front completes the loop.

You can quickly repeat the bands in your mind to confirm.

The Gold and Silver bands feed the bands of power.

5. Close Wierraccocha.

6. Send the protégé to the fire to feed the bands.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Exercise on Projections

It’s often said that what we don’t like in others is a reflection of what we don’t like in ourselves. That everyone is a mirror for us. Therefore, when someone really gets under our skin, it’s a opportunity to reflect on yourself and work on ourselves.

We often project our beliefs and expectations onto others.

“That which we do not bring to consciousness appears in our life as fate.”


  1. Pick 3 individuals or situations that upset you. What are their characteristics?
  2. Pick 3 individuals whom you admire.

All of the characteristics that we dislike in others are OURS. Even if you would never do that to another person, you probably do it to yourself. Examining our shadow, lets us be honest with ourselves. ALSO, own everything that we admire. Those traits which you admire in others. YOU do that too!

1. What are you most afraid of?

  1. What are you most afraid of finding out about yourself?
  1. What is the biggest lie that you’ve ever told yourself?
  1. What could stop you from doing the work to transform your life?

There is no supernatural. There is only the natural world. Some things are just more visible than others.

"ANYI": The Inca word which means to be in right relationship. To be in balance. We want to hold the positive and negative equally. Know both sides of the shadow. Not either or. We must own both sides in order to walk down the centre in balance.

“The saint must know the sinner in themselves”